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The Academy Presents podcast

Feb 5, 2021

This episode is part 4 of my conversation with Jennifer Joyce, an experienced real estate professional with over 500 units specializing in Texas. Her investing skills and experience span over 20+ years performing various real estate investment activities.


If you couldn’t follow this episode, please go back and listen to parts 1 to 3 on episode 54 to 56.


Let’s jump right into this episode and learn more about the change of key players, economic devastation, and the significance of team roles.

[00:01 - 04:49] The Change of The Key Players 

  • Jennifer talks about the lack of competition as a syndicator. 
    • The lack of competition will not come until they get hurt; as long as nobody’s hurt, you will see the competition. 
  • The significance of strong operators to keep the business going.
    • The profits are mostly made once the correction has hit.
  • The change in the key players of the industry in the next 5 years.

[04:50 - 10:00] Economic Devastation 

  • Jennifer talks about doing our part in this situation.
    • You can only control what you can control, so make it a positive thing in your life.
  • Jennifer talks about the comparison between the situation in this pandemic and when the hurricane hits.
  • The impact of the government decisions at the different miles stones and how to respond to it.
    • We can not control them; we can only play inside those rules.
    • Respond in the best business decision we can in that rule.
  • Paying attention to what we have control over and spending our time on that.
  • The importance of having visionary and detail-oriented players in one team.


[10:01 - 15:30]The Significance of Team Roles 

  • The benefits of being in syndication.
  • Jennifer talks about the significance of the role of a team.
  • Jennifer shares how to get the whole operating team to stay on the same page.
    • Handing off and giving back
    • Creating collaboration that allows people to feel vested in the deal.
  • Final words from me

Tweetable Quotes:

“The lack of competition will not come until they get hurt; as long as nobody’s hurt, you will see the competition .”-  Jennifer Joyce.

“You can only control what you can control, so make it a positive thing in your life..”- Jennifer Joyce.

“In working with a team, you have to create collaborations that allow people to feel vested in the deal.”- Jennifer Joyce.


You can connect with Jennifer on Linkedin.


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